TC4S:\J\John Carter (\SimplerTrading - Mark Douglas - The Probabilistic Mindset

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NameSizeDate Modified
Mark Douglas - 7 - Retrain Your Brain.mp4279,089 KB5/4/2019 8:37 PM
Mark Douglas - 6 - Probabilistic Principles.mp487,796 KB5/4/2019 8:40 PM
Mark Douglas - 5 - Emotional Response.mp4148,652 KB5/4/2019 8:46 PM
Mark Douglas - 4 - Probabilities.mp4302,758 KB5/4/2019 8:58 PM
Mark Douglas - 3 - Objective State of Mind.mp4327,178 KB5/4/2019 9:10 PM
Mark Douglas - 2 - Order Flow.mp4222,855 KB5/4/2019 9:18 PM
Mark Douglas - 1 - Introduction to Trading Psychology.mp4409,226 KB5/3/2019 4:01 PM