TC4S:\J\John Carter (\John Carter - SimplerOptions - My Favorite Strategies For a Volatile Market + Live Trading\Homework

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NameSizeDate Modified
Homework Videos8/24/2020 5:40 AM
1 - Trading Platform.pdf1,198 KB8/24/2020 5:43 AM
2 - The Squeeze.pdf1,749 KB8/24/2020 5:44 AM
3 - Options 101.pdf615 KB8/24/2020 5:44 AM
4 - Mindset of a Trader.pdf611 KB8/24/2020 5:44 AM
5 - Beginners Guide to Options.pdf535 KB8/24/2020 5:44 AM
Homework Assignments.pdf776 KB8/24/2020 5:44 AM