PDC4S:\D\Digital Tutors (digitaltutors.com)\Digital Tutors - Mudbox Tutorials Sculpting Human Mouths in Mudbox

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NameSizeDate Modified
Sculpting Human Mouths in Mudbox (project_files).zip327,799 KB8/2/2013 6:15 AM
07.Sculpting the mouth area.mp4123,766 KB8/2/2013 6:09 AM
06.Detailing the lips.mp493,396 KB8/2/2013 6:08 AM
05.Changing the mouth topology.mp490,482 KB8/2/2013 6:08 AM
04.Defining the vermilion border.mp474,620 KB8/2/2013 6:08 AM
03.Blocking.in.the.mouth.volume.mp453,978 KB8/2/2013 6:08 AM
02.Structure of the mouth.mp433,893 KB8/2/2013 6:07 AM
01.Introduction.and.project.overview.mp417,209 KB8/2/2013 6:07 AM